Annual Parochial Church Meeting

The Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) for 2025 is being held after the 10am Sung Eucharist at St Stephen & St Agnes Church on 23 March.  At this meeting we will be electing three Deanery Synod Representatives and twelve Parochial Church Council Members.  Please see the notices outside churches for more information.

The meeting can be attended by all those on the electoral roll.

To ensure the swift running of the meeting please nominate people using the forms below:

Deanery Synod Nomination Form - Word or PDF

Parochial Council Nomination Form - Word or PDF

An agenda and reports will be posted here shortly.  You can read about our current interim Parochial Church Council and PCCs more generally here.  Please do speak to one of the Churchwardens, Revd Sally or Fr Richard if you have any queries.

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