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We are one church community who worship and socialise across our four church buildings in the centre of Windsor, seeking to work together to show God’s love and to proclaim the gospel afresh for each generation. We are an inclusive church which means we are for everyone and, wherever you are on your faith journey, you are welcome.

Our main act of worship is our Sung Eucharist which takes place every Sunday at 10am in one of our church buildings. We usually have a robed choir and, when we are at St Stephen & St Agnes Church, we use incense. Activities for children are available in each of our churches. This service lasts 60-70 minutes. The Eucharist (also known as Holy Communion, the Mass or the Lord’s Supper) is at the heart of Christian worship and is celebrated around the world. Whether you have been a Christian all your life, or are new to the Christian faith, and even if you have never before been to a church service, you are welcome.

We also have Choral Evensong about once a month at 5.30pm, usually at All Saints’ Church. Every Wednesday at 11am there is a service of Holy Communion according to the Book of Common Prayer (BCP) at Holy Trinity Church.  Please see our calendar below for information about forthcoming services and events. You can view many of our services on our YouTube channel.  The churches are regularly open outside service times. Please see the individual church pages for details.

If you would like to arrange baptism (sometimes called christening) for your child or yourself, or if you wish to get married in one of our churches or need to have your banns read, or if you are planning the funeral of a loved one, please see the information below.

Please let us know if you would like to receive our weekly mailer with all our up to date news and information.


The parishes in the Church of England in Central Windsor are individually committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults (the policies and details of Safeguarding Officers can be found on individual church pages). 

You can read the Rector’s response to the Makin Review and the resignation of the Archbishop of Canterbury in her sermon, preached on Sunday 17th November.


Forthcoming Services & Church Events

Sunday 30th March
10:00am -
12:15pm -
Monday 31st March
9:00am - 9:25am -
Tuesday 1st April
10:00am - 11:30am -


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